The antithesis of “Who’s on Your Team,” this one tells us that sometimes we need to sweep the deck clean of all those who tie us down or hold us back, and for their benefit, not ours! You know who they are. They want you to succeed and do well – but not too well, and hopefully not […]
I am convinced it is human nature to focus on the bad, be it bad service, a bad attitude or bad behavior. We see it all around us, and, like so many other things in our sound-byte society, we have grown accustomed to it! When I speak, I often say that not only have we come to accept […]
We joke here in Maryland that if you don’t like the weather, stick around – it will change! Change is inevitable. We change jobs – seven times in a lifetime for the average person – we change spouses, cars, schools, houses, looks, weight, ideas, and values.
By now everyone has read or heard of “The Secret” and “The Secret: The Power” by Rhonda Byrne. I just heard the other day that Byrne has just released the third in the series, “The Magic (The Secret)”! Hot off the press, and no doubt, I’ll have to check it out.
People want to see whom they are doing business with, whom they are going to the movies with Friday night and whom they are buying from or selling to!
Your champion could come in the form of a co-worker, colleague or neighbor that needs a shoulder to cry on, a hug to know you care, or a sympathetic ear for when the world seems dark, grey, hopeless and overwhelming.
While many of you who know me understand that I am a spiritual guy, having a deep and abiding faith, I’m not good at Scripture and Verse. I simply hope and try to lead a life of significance by Improving and Empowering the lives of others I encounter on a daily basis. In spite of […]
So, how do you promote others? You’ve all heard of the “snowball effect.” The idea is that once something takes hold, the words, ideas, and plan gain momentum and soon increase in power and commitment.
Most everyone knows that for 90 plus percent of the population, speaking in public is the #1 fear. People have been known to pass out, vomit, break out in hives, cold sweats, refuse to go on! Many would rather eat a live bug then to step one foot on stage and run the risk of…
Do you wake up at 64 and say “I’m retiring next year, better get started on that game plan for life after 65”? While my comments seem like simple common sense, how many of us can answer all these questions in the affirmative?